[North Bay Bohemian This Week]

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Best of the North Bay


North Bay Bars & Clubs


For the Week of
September 8-14, 2004

Cover Story: Catching Air:
Benjamin Franklin invented it and John Kerry practices it. Kiteboarding is like no other high you can buy.

News: Aliens vs. Predators
A modest proposal to open up the presidency of the United States to international talent and make sure Dick Gephardt never runs again.

Watered Down: County officials say the glass is half full. Well owners say it's half empty. Are groundwater sources evaporating?

Rev: We had discovered that relying on our cars to get around had reproduced a too-familiar world.

Critic's Picks: A guide to the week's best arts, theater and music events.

Title: Berlin Story: Hannah and her mother: 'Rosenstrasse' and a protest against the Nazis.

Utopian Idol: Todd Rundgren has no time for fibbers.

Working Class Hero: Steve Earle's American revolution.

Days in the Life: 'Sara's Diary, 9/11' sings of a family after tragedy.

Almost Famous: Rodney Bingenheimer made the radio star.

Totally Ripe: Love apple, wolf peach, heirloom--whatever you call it, a tomato is more than just a tomato.

Swirl 'n' Spit: Rosenblum Cellars.

Monster Mash: 'Vep' is a vampish delight.

[Staff Box]

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